Мы все умрем. Но ничего страшного!/ Талант не спрячешь, как не застёгивай./ Если бы я узнал, что стану идолом для подростков, убил бы себя. (с) Джаред Лето

If you’re among the folk who believe the Academy Awards are too stodgy, too reluctant to embrace sci-fi, fantasy, and horror — the Saturn Awards are for you. Sure, Best Picture nominee Inception led the field with nominations, but Let Me In and Tron: Legacy (just one Oscar nomination between them) fall close behind with 7 Saturn nominations apiece. Hereafter, Alice in Wonderland, Black Swan, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows – Part 1, Never Let Me Go, and Shutter Island all landed 5 or more nominations.

The Walking Dead racked up the most television nominations with 6, followed by Breaking Bad, Fringe, and Lost with 5 each. Hit the jump for the full list of nominees and a breakdown of the number of nominations by film/series.

Film Nominees
Breakdown of Film Nominations
Television Nominees
Breakdown of Television Nominations

@музыка: Нина Добрев че-то-там поет в Американских аллеях по телеку

@настроение: - sore, means хреновое самочувствие, т.ч. смотрю $#*! My Dad Says

@темы: Anna Torv, сериальное, The Vampire Diaries, Matthew Fox, HOLLYWOODLAND, кто владеет информацией, тому нужна лоботомия, Award, Lost, новости с фронта, Pillars of the Earth, nominations, Saturn 2011, Fringe, Leverage, Eureka, Dexter, SUPER & NATURAL, синематограф