понедельник, 16 ноября 2009
16.11.2009 в 13:59
Спойлеры на 5.10читать дальше"It has finally come down to it, Sam and dean with the information gotten from Becky track down the colt to the mansion of a powerful demon. A good friend of lucifer who fought side by side with him just until the very end when Michael the most powerful of the host over powered them both on Mount Goridon in heaven and sent them flaming down to the earth. Dean and Sam are captured and dean realising that all is lost and so will all hope be he screams out with agony the six words he forbid himself to say just before blacking out "Michael i say yes to thee" immediately the earth starts to quake and Sam who is being held by one of the demons is released as they run away knowing that the prince, most powerful and commander of the heavenly hosts decends upon the earth and into his vessel.As they ground still quakes Sam stares on at his brothers passed out body in disbelief that he actually said those words and then lights out. Supernatural returns January.
lounge.cwtv.com/showthread.php?t=536111Но ваще какие-то они стрёмные, по этому, думается мне, что либо чего-то не договорили, либо это как про тот спойлер про Бобби и перекрёсток
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